How do credits work?

Credits are the units used when calculating the cost of translating an image.

Each newly requested image has a base cost of 0.3 credits.
Next, depending on the chosen translation model, additional costs will be added:

  • DeepL Translate - 0.0042 credits per character
  • Google Translate - 0.004 credits per character
  • GPT-4o (latest model) - 0.001 credits per input token + 0.003 credits per output token
  • GPT-3.5 Turbo - 0.0001 credits per input token + 0.0003 credits per output token

GPT prices above are per token, not per character! Tokens are OpenAI's units of cost calculation. For languages other than English, tokens can get very expensive, including the input language. Regardless, GPT-3.5 is always the cheapest option. See my recommendations below.

Speed ranking - Google (2 seconds) > DeepL (2.2 seconds) > GPT-3.5 (3-10 seconds) > GPT-4o (3-10 seconds).
Quality ranking - GPT-4o > GPT-3.5 > DeepL > Google

Example: cost of translating an image with 100 characters from Japanese to English using each model

  • DeepL Translate - 0.3 + 0.0042 x 100 = 0.72 credits total
  • Google Translate - 0.3 + 0.004 x 100 = 0.7 credits total
  • GPT-4o - 0.3 + 0.001 x 100 + 0.003 x 50 (output tokens) = 0.55 credits total
  • GPT-3.5 Turbo - 0.3 + 0.0001 x 100 + 0.0003 x 50 (output tokens) = 0.325 credits total

Therefore, 100 credits will last you for 139|142|181|307 translations on average with DeepL|Google|GPT-4o|GPT-3.5. (assuming the average image has 100 characters)

In general, I recommend DeepL for maximum stability, speed and reliability. GPT-3.5 is also great, since it is the cheapest option, but it can be slower by several seconds and risky to use, because it is a Large Language Model and can sometimes produce weird outputs. GPT-4o is also slow, but if you want the best translation and at roughly the same cost as DeepL (due to the latest gpt-4o model release), then go for it.

This pricing model is more fair than a fixed pricing model (1 credit = 1 translation), because you pay for what you use. Some images have only 3 words in them, whereas others have super long walls of text.

How does the FREE plan work?

You get 20 free credits which reset on a weekly basis. If you decide to buy translation credits from the Pricing page, whatever amount you purchase stays with you forever until used up. If it gets to 0, you go back to the FREE plan automatically, where you wait for your weekly free credits.

Does translating the same image multiple times cost credits?

No, translations in Torii cost credits per unique image-language pair.
Meaning, if you choose to translate an image you have already requested in the past, in the same desired language as back then, you will not be charged any credits. If it's the same image, but now a different target language, it will cost the usual amount of credits.

Does the extension work on any website?

Yes, it works on any website. All the extension needs is an <img> HTML element and it will work when hovering over.

I am hovering over an image and the extension is not working. Why?

Some websites encrypt their images for security reasons making it difficult to download. That might be the case, or it might be something else. Please look at the next Question below if the problem lies with the extension.

The extension is not working. What can I do?

I deeply apologize for the inconvenience. You will be refunded any credits involved in the issue if you would please use the extension's feedback form or send an email at the provided support contact at the bottom of this page. Your cooperation will certainly be useful in improving the translator in the future.

How fast are the translations?

Depends on the translation model chosen in the "Settings" page of the extension or in the "Translate" page of the website.

In general, the models are ranked from fastest to slowest as such:
Google (2 seconds), DeepL (2.2 seconds), GPT-3.5 (3-10 seconds), GPT-4o (3-10 seconds).

The GPT models can have large variability depending on chosen target language and length of text. They can be as fast as DeepL in some cases and 5 times slower in others.

How accurate are the translations?

Depends on the translation model chosen in the "Settings" page of the extension or in the "Translate" page of the website.

In general, the models are ranked from most to least accurate as such: GPT-4o, GPT-3.5, DeepL, Google.

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